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Custom Orthotics Windsor

heel in pain while walkingBack pain, hip pain, neck pain, bunions, heel spurs: did you know that the key to your problem might lie in your feet? At Windsor Neck & Back Care Centre, we provide people with the solution of custom-made orthotics. With orthotics that are right for you, they can restore your alignment and take the pressure off your feet.

Creating Your Custom Orthotics

Your feet will have a casting taken of them to create your orthotics. We will place your foot into a box that’s filled with foam, taking a perfect impression. Then, we’ll send it to our laboratory to have your orthotics made. In about a week, you’ll have your orthotics.

You can come in and we’ll take the current sole out of your shoe. We can fit dress shoes, athletic shoes and nearly any type of footwear that you can think of with orthotics. We’ll place your orthotics in your shoes and make sure that they fit properly.

Our Guarantee

Our orthotics come with a full guarantee. If there is anything at all that’s wrong with them, bring them back and we’ll fix them at no cost to you. We stand by our products and want to ensure your satisfaction.

Getting Used to Your Orthotics

If you have never worn orthotics before, you need to ease yourself into them. Orthotics will change the ergonomics of your body. When you wear orthotics, they can change your knees, hips, posture and the way you walk. To start slowly, you’ll wear them for an hour on a single day, then two hours on a second day and so on, until you work your way up to eight hours.

How to Determine If You Need Orthotics

You may wonder if you’re a candidate for orthotics. We can perform a simple test to find out without having you incur the cost of orthotics.

We’ll use medical tape to apply a stirrup to your foot. Not everyone needs orthotics, and we would never recommend them to you if you didn’t need them.

Coverage for Orthotics

Most insurance companies cover orthotics. You can typically get a new pair every three years. If we find that you need orthotics and you require a referral, you can then go to your family physician to get the prescription. After, you can return to our clinic and we’ll cast your feet for your orthotics.

Strengthen Your Body’s Foundation

Contact our team today to learn more about orthotics Windsor and if they might be right for you!


Custom Orthotics Windsor | (519) 971-7770